Thanks to Lord KGB for this guide on attacking cities.
1. Always scout the city you're going to attack or get a recent scout report from someone who has scouted already.
Important items in the report are first wall defenses.. these will have to be dealt with first. If no wall defenses, then just send all your troops and supply wagons in 1 shot.
If not then:
traps and caltrops can be dealt with using militiamen: 1 militiaman kills 1 trap , 5 - 10 militiamen kills 1 caltrop.
spiked barriers can be dealt with using cavalry or heavy cavalry
wallmounted crossbows are a tough item to explain how to attack... best attacked with heavy cavalry and swords but you need greatly outnumber the crossbows! attack 1000 xbows with 5000 heavy cav and 2000 or 3000 swords.. or like 15,000 militiamen. do not attack crossbows with just archers as you will get wiped out!
defensive trebuchets can be dealt with using siege weapons but if you don't send seige weapons you don't need to worry about them, as they only fire on seige weapons.
2. Now when attacking cities you need to send your troops in waves to defeat the wall defenses.
First wave is only the amount you need for traps.. 20 traps first wave is 20 militiamen.
Next wave will deal with crossbows and caltrops and spiked barriers. 1000 crossbows 2000 caltrops 1000 spiked barriers.. so second wave is 2000 - 5000 heavy cavalry 5000 - 10000 militia men.... this is more than enough to beat this pretend city but i think you get the idea.
Third wave is for the goods... sending enough troops to defeat any defending soldiers and your supply wagons to carry away the goods..