Guide #5 - Wilds and Crests

1. You can have as many conquered wildernesses as you have a level of castle – i.e. if you have a level 6 castle, you may conquer 6 wildernesses for resource bonuses. Always make sure you have the highest level of wilderness you can conquer for production. As soon as you can conquer a higher level resource, abandon the lower level one in your castle and go for the higher level one.

2. Wildernesses stack, which means if you have two grasslands you have 10% food for one and 10% food for another, meaning 20% increase.

3. Decide what kind of resources you need before you conquer them. If you are low on food, then you will need more grasslands and lakes. If you need some ore and wood as well, then conquer a mixture of grasslands/lakes, hills (ore), and woods (wood). You really don’t need to conquer mountains if you have gold to use in the market as you can almost always find tons of cheap stone on the market. If you tend to buy all your food in the market, then you’ll want to use your wilds to keep your ore and wood production up. It just depends on how you want to do it.

4. Conquer wilds that are a little bit away, to far away from your city – because attackers tend to scout around to see what wilds you own and they will take them from you to cut off food supply, before attacking your city. So if they are away from your city it’s much harder for your attackers to find them.

NOTE: allows a person to find someone's wilds if they pay a fee per month, so you really aren't protected from these people no matter where you put your wilds. If someone constantly takes ALL your wilds, then the only way to combat that is to not take any wilds (you'll have to farm to keep up your resources) or change your wilds every couple days, since koctools takes a day or two to update each domain.

5. To conquer a wild, click on the wild you’ve chosen and then click Attack. A good mixture of militia and archers, plus supply troops to carry loot is all you need.

Archers needed for no losses:
Level 1 - 50 Archers
Level 2 - 100 Archers
Level 3 - 260 Archers
Level 4 - 600 Archers (and level 5 Fletching)
Level 5 - 1,500 Archers (and Level 6 Fletching)
Level 6 - 3,500 Archers (and Level 7 Fletching)
Level 7 - 7,500 Archers (and Level 8 Fletching)

Of course if you don’t have that many, fill in with militia until you get the right formula. There is always a random factor now that they’ve built in so one time you might not lose any troops and another you might lose some – you just never know.

To give you an idea, here’s what I found in a level 7 wilderness:
Supply Troop 30000
Militiaman 30000
Scout 15000
Pikeman 15000
Swordsman 10000
Archer 5000
Cavalry 2000
Heavy Cavalry 500
Trap 1500

I sent in 20,000 militia and 8000 archers and a couple hundred supply troops and I lost a handful of each but conquered it.

NOTE: Some people swear by sending attacks in waves, you can send in militia first equal to the number of traps to take them out, you will lose your militia but it does save archers if you do it in waves one right after the other.

WHAT YOU'LL FACE IN A WILD!! (These are the troops you'll have to fight against)

ST- Supply Troops
M- Militia
Sc- Scout
P- Pikemen
Sw - Swordsmen
A - Archers
Cy - Cavalry
H - Heavy Cav
B - Ballista
R - Rams
Ct - Catapults

Wild 1- 50 ST, 50 M
Wild 2- 100 ST, 100 M, 50 Sc, 50 P
Wild 3- 200 ST, 200 M, 100 Sc, 100 P, 50 Sw
Wild 4- 500 ST, 500 M, 200 Sc, 200 P, 100 Sw, 50 A
Wild 5- 1000 ST, 1000 M, 500 Sc, 500 P, 200 Sw, 100 A, 50 Cv
Wild 6- 1500 ST, 1500 M, 1000 Sc, 1000 P, 500 Sw, 200 A, 100 Cv
Wild 7- 3000 ST, 3000 M, 1500 Sc, 1500 P, 1000 Sw, 500 A, 200 Cv, 50 H
Wild 8- 6000 ST, 6000 M, 3000 Sc, 3000 P, 1500 Sw, 1000 A, 500 Cv, 100 H, 50 B
Wild 9- 12000 ST, 12000 M, 6000 Sc, 6000 P, 3000 Sw, 1500 A, 1000 Cv, 200 H, 100 B, 50 R
Wild10- 25000 ST, 25000 M, 12000 Sc, 12000 P, 6000 Sw, 3000 A, 1500 Cv, 400 H, 200 B, 100 R, 50 Ct

Wilderness Traps - These are in each wild as well. You can send in a first wave of attacks of militia equal to the number of traps to clear them first, then send your regular attack right after.

Lv 1 no traps
Lv 2 5
Lv 3 10
Lv 4 20
Lv 5 50
Lv 6 100
Lv 7 150
Lv 8 300
Lv 9 600
Lv 10 1200

Necessary for third and fourth cities.

After you fill your castle with production wilds, you can still go out there and battle wildernesses. This will give you loot as well as drop crests – crests will be needed for your THIRD and FOURTH city!

Crests don’t drop all that often though so even if you hit 50 wilds and get no crests, that’s normal. Or you might hit one and get a crest. It just depends. I have hit several hundred over a few days period and only got 5 crests.

NOTE: A way to get more crests is to level up ALL your knights loyalty to 100 using gold. Just keep upping them every time it lets you, it really does help you find more crests. For your THIRD city you'll need to hit lvl 5 wilds and up, for FOURTH you'll have to hit lvl 8 and above.

From QuickDraw - Some tips on getting crests:

BOR'S CREST: Attack Hills level 5-7. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually a Bor's).

ECTOR'S CREST: Attack Woods level 5-7. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually an Ector's).

KAY'S CREST: Attack Woods level 8-10. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually a Kay's)