Guide #3 - 2nd-3rd-4th City

As soon as you are able, you should build your second city. This helps you build might, gain more resources, and have more troops.

How To Get Your Second City

1. You must have 10 friends to gain a Second City Deed. You can get friends by asking for them in chat, or by checking the “Add Me” forum thread, there are a few people to add there now and that will only grow as time passes. If you are having trouble getting friends, then contact me and I will help you.

2. Once you have your Second City Deed, then you can check to see what else you need by looking on the right side of your screen and clicking the + sign under the tiny square of your first city. It will tell you that you need 250 supply troops, and 10,000 of each resource and 10,000 gold to build your second city.

3. You need to conquer a plain of any level (Lvl 1 is fine) where you want your second city. There are two trains of thought as far as choosing your city. 1) Choose a plain close to your first city. You can share resource and army very easy, and you only need a market in one city, which gives you an extra spot for another barracks. Con is that if someone finds your first city to attack they’d find your second right away. 2) Choose a plain in an adjoining province (red lines on the map). Then you can still share resources between cities (just takes longer but your relief station helps this), and you can be in two different markets. 3) If you are lucky enough to be near a red line on the map you can do both! Just build across the red line (another province) and you’ll have two different markets.

4. Click your conquered plain and reinforce it with the supply troops needed, and the 10k (at least) of each resources and 10k gold.

5. Once the plain is reinforced, then you can go back to that little + and click it. Then it will allow you to name your city and build it!

What to Build

Make sure you build an embassy, a knight’s hall (and assign at least 7-9 knights), an alchemy lab (to research in both cities, affects both cities), workshop, stable (for research purposes), storehouse, rally point, relief station, watch tower, barracks and cottages. If you build your second city right next to your first you don’t need a market. The more barracks you have, the faster you can train soldiers.

You do not need – tavern, market (unless you are in a diff. province).

For resource fields – build mostly farms, then mines and sawmills. You don’t really need quarries because stone is always cheap in the market.

How To Get Your THIRD City

1. You must find crests hiding in wildernesses, to gain your third city deed.

You need

4 Sir Bor's Crests
2 Sir Ector's Crests
1 Sir Kay Crest

Make sure your knight's loyalty is at 100 in BOTH of your knight's halls, as that makes more crests drop. I have found that hitting plains gives you more crests because people don't hit them as often. You have to hit lvl 5 wilds and up to find these crests. It will say at the bottom of the report if you've found one.

from QuickDraw--

BOR'S CREST: Attack Hills level 5-7. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually a Bor's).

ECTOR'S CREST: Attack Woods level 5-7. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually an Ector's).

KAY'S CREST: Attack Woods level 8-10. The award ratio seems to be 20% to receive a random crest(meaning for every 5 attacks, you'll likely get a crest--random allotment, but usually a Kay's)

---end QuickDraw tips

2. You must control a plain same as when you got your second city. You need to reinforce that plain with 250 supply troops, and 10k of each resource.

3. It is of course up to you if you want to put your third city near your first or second, or if you want to put it in another province. There are pros and cons to both. Some use their third city for resource building, so they want it close.

4. Click your conquered plain and reinforce it with the supply troops needed, and the 10k (at least) of each resources and 10k gold.

5. Once the plain is reinforced, then click on that plain and it will give you the option to build and name your city.

What to Build--

Make sure you build an embassy (in case you need reinforced during attacks), a knight’s hall (and assign at least 7-9 knights - you can use high xp knights from first or second city by reassigning them there),storehouse, rally point, relief station, watch tower, barracks and cottages. If you build your second city right next to your first you don’t need a market. The more barracks you have, the faster you can train soldiers.

You do not need – tavern, market (unless you are in a diff. province), and probably don't need an alchemy lab (which means you don't need to assign an alchemist in your knight's hall). As you build up your wall it will tell you what you need as far as workshop, etc so go by that.

For resource fields – it depends on if this will be your resource city or free standing. Build whatever it is you are needing the most. Feeding a lot of troops? Build a lot of farms. Etc.

How To Get Your FOURTH City

This is what you need for your 4th City:

Obtain a 'Fourth City Deed' by completing the necessary quest.
Control a Plain
Have 250 Supply Troops encamped (reinforce) at that location
Have 10,000 EACH of Gold, Food, Wood, Stone, and Ore at that location (reinforce)
Click on that location to build city

4 Sir Kay's Crest
3 Sir Bedivere's Crest
1 Sir Gawain's Crest